Our Vision is to:
Our Goals, quite simple are to:
1. Lead the world in the development of new gospel opportunities for Bibleless people groups.
2. Provide breakthrough access to Scripture in the most persecuted environments.
3. Safeguard at-risk translators from retaliation for their important work.
4. Cast a vision for global church involvement in frontier missions.


Every person on the planet should have a chance to hear God's Word. About 1260 languages around the world have no Scripture at all. We can something to change that. The Gospel is for everyone.
Jesus said to "you will be my witnesses... to the ends of the earth.”
That's direct orders from our Lord to bring His gospel to the furthest corners of the earth. We believe that His people must be found faithful to that commission.

Only 1% of missions giving goes to ministry among unreached people groups.
- The Gospel Coalition
Our work is part of that 1%. In the world of missions, far too little attention is given to unreached people groups. According to Wycliffe, there are approximately 100 Million people in the world who are waiting for a Bible Translation work to begin in their language.
How many generations will pass before these 100 million hear the good news?
Time is of the essence. They Need the Bible.
We focus on serving these people, who have no access to the Bible in their heart-language.

JOHN 3:16
Let's say that you went out to lunch with someone from an unreached people group, and miraculously, for the duration of that lunch, you were able to speak the same language.
Where would you begin? What would you share with them?
We decided that a great starting point would be John 3:16.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
- John 3:16, ESV
This one verse communicates so much about the plan of God for each one of us. His Son, Jesus Christ, His love for us, His gift of eternal life for all who believe. It's powerful.
Our vision is to translate this one verse for every language. We pray that it serves as a starting point for future translation work to begin., and a gauge for community interest in Bible Translation.

Psalm 19:7 says, “The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul."
We believe that as people encounter God's Word, it has the power to change hearts.
We distribute our translations of John 3:16 digitally, using a multi-platform approach that includes Google, YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp and Wikipedia. We try to maximize the chances of someone from a Bible-less people group seeing one of our translations.
​Through supporting Bible Translation, you are then providing a way for an entire people group to experience the new life that we have found in Jesus Christ. Just as we ourselves Need the transformative work of the Bible in our lives, so also the nations, who wait to know their loving Savior.