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Our Missionaries

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We are the Olson Family!

We are the founders of They Need the Bible. It's our passion to see people of every language with the Bible, and the tools they need to know God, and the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.

Fun Facts:

- We served among the Kerewe people of Tanzania from 2017-2022. 
- Our three girls are homeschooled
- Alexis and Andrew are both computer gamers

- We really like spending our vacation time at the beach
- The girls are slightly addicted to Cold Stone Ice cream


Click here to view our missionary prayer card. 

To download, right click and press "Save As".



I grew up in the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

When I was 13, I lived in Tanzania with my family for a year. While there, I noticed that God had gifted me with a love for language learning. My calling into missions grew stronger as I attended Bible School and Seminary. 

One of my life goals is to learn to say John 3:16 in
20 languages.  

Birthday:      November 28

Fixing Cars
             -  Investing / Stocks
             -  Podcasts

             -  Fishing


Favorite Verse:  Amos 3:8


I grew up in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Marion, North Carolina.

I first felt God’s calling to missions when I was twelve as I read Amy Charmichael’s biography. When I was 18, I lived in Uganda with my family for a year. While I was there, I met Andrew at our house church. ❤️

One of my life goals is to visit all 50 states.

Birthday:      January 22


             -  Cooking                         
             -  Photography
             -  Hiking    

Favorite Verse:  Lamentations 3:22-23

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Missionary Philosophy

EIN: 88-2274926

Call us:


Send us Mail at:
PO Box 28
Andover, MN 55304

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